An Empirical Study of Effective Ways for Improving Big Data Project


Jeong-Beom Kim,Head Professor of BigData Specialist Master Degree Dept. Namseoul Univ.


According to recent growth of big data system implementation by many organization and commercial companies, effective project management is becoming big issue in big data related project cases. The focal point of this paper is to do the case study of the big data implementation project in large companies or organizations. This study can provide decision makers and top management with real value of effectiveimplementationmodel, as well as for big data analysis horizons, and often with highly significant business results from the perspectivepoint of view [Article history: Received (November 2, 2017), Review Result (November 12, 2017), Accepted (November 22, 2017)]intensively. The main purpose of this paper is to define development scope and system functions required by users correctly, specify the role of users as well as project team members for the success of project, and establish the development methods together with maintenance through empirical study.



Big Data, Project Management, Implementation Strategy, Effectiveness, Data Integration


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  • APA:
    Kim,J.B.(2017). An Empirical Study of Effective Ways for Improving Big Data Project. International Journal of Advanced Research in Big Data Management System, 1(2), 23-28.
  • Harvard:
    Kim,J.B.(2017). "An Empirical Study of Effective Ways for Improving Big Data Project". International Journal of Advanced Research in Big Data Management System, 1(2), pp.23-28. doi:
  • IEEE:
    [1]J.B.Kim, "An Empirical Study of Effective Ways for Improving Big Data Project". International Journal of Advanced Research in Big Data Management System, vol.1, no.2, pp.23-28, Dec. 2017
  • MLA:
    Kim Jeong-Beom. "An Empirical Study of Effective Ways for Improving Big Data Project". International Journal of Advanced Research in Big Data Management System, vol.1, no.2, Dec. 2017, pp.23-28, doi:


  • Volume 1, No. 2, 2017
  • ISSN(p):2208-1674
  • ISSN(o):2208-1682
  • Published:Dec. 2017